Past News and Events
March 28, 2013
Chia-Chia Chien Honored by University of Illinois
University of Illinois School of Social Work Alumni Association has awarded the 2012-2013 Community Achievement Award to the Culture to Culture Foundation founder Chia-Chia Chien. This award is presented to a School of Social Work Alumnus who has made a significant contribution to his or her agency or community and is therefore recognized as a community leader.
October 16, 2011
Culture to Culture Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary
Culture to Culture Foundation is celebrating 10 years of service. We want to express to Culture to Culture's sponsors, donors, volunteers and supporters. We are grateful to our community and want to give back through celebration.
December 10, 2010
Chia-Chia Chien Featured in Berkeley Health Magazine
Chia-Chia is featured in the Berkeley Health magazine's "Alumna Spotlight" article on Shattering Culture Barriers. Berkeley Health magazine is published especially for alumni and friends of UC Berkeley's School of Public Health. In the article, Chia-Chia talked about why she chose social work as her career path and why she is working harder than ever to help the Asian-American community with mental health issues.

July 4, 2010
Culture to Culture at Danville's July 4 Parade
Culture to Culture Foundation's volunteers and supporters participated in Town of Danville's July 4 parade.
May 19, 2010
Culture to Culture Received Community Service Award
Culture to Culture Foundation received the Community Service Award from Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA) organization.
May, 2009
Chia-Chia Chien Received NASW Life-time Achievement Award
Chia-Chia Chien received the life-time achievement award in social work from the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Her award made the English and Chinese newspaper.

May, 2009
Chia-Chia Chien Honored as Purpose Prize Fellow
Culture to Culture Foundation's CEO and Chairman, Chia Chia Chien, was recently honored as a 2008 Purpose Prize Fellow. The Purpose Prize is part of the Encore Careers campaign, which aims to engage millions of baby boomers in "encore" careers, which combine social impact, personal meaning and continued income in the second half of one's life to solve society's most pressing issues. The 2008 Purpose Prize--the nation's only large-scale investment in social innovators in the second half of their life--is a six-year, $17 million program for people over 60 who are taking on society's biggest challenges. From more than 1,000 nominees, six $100,000 winners, nine $10,000 winners, and fifty Purpose Prize Fellows were honored as leaders in the movement to invent new ways to solve society's most challenging problems--from poverty to pollution, recidivism to racial reconciliation, and health care to homelessness.
May, 2009
Chia-Chia Chien Received Peter E. Haas Public Service Award
Chia-Chia Chien received the 2005 Peter E. Haas Public Service Award from UC Berkeley on April 22. The award was presented by Chancellor Robert J. Birgeneau at a special “Cal Day” event. The purpose of the award is to recognize alumni of the University of California, Berkeley who have made significant voluntary public contributions to the betterment of society, particularly at the community level, within the boundaries of the United States. The Haas Public Service Award acknowledges outstanding contributions in four major areas: community service (including social service), health care, environmental work, and education. Special consideration is given to activity at the grassroots level, for such activity best illustrates the impact that an individual can have on society through creative social change.
March 1, 2009
Culture to Culture Foundation Appreciation Luncheon
Culture to Culture Foundation is sponsoring an Appreciation Luncheon, honoring all of our supporters and volunteers in celebration of seven years of Bay Area community service. Luncheon was held at Great China restaurant in Berkeley, California.